Hi Everyone
The end o f my trip to our villages was actually event less, well there were no panics. We trekked down to the bus at about 7.30 on the morning of leaving. The weather was good and it was a an easy trek to the bus just about an hour. We got the bus to Kudi then went to visit one of our sponsored children Rama. We went to the school so see her. We support her education there and her stationery and uniform. When she arrived at the show she was very slow as she had not regular schooling. She is now picking up and receiving averages marks. Rama is such a charming girl we are very proud of her achievements. She is blind in one eye. We did try to get something done with this a few years ago, but we were told that it was too late, something should have been done during here infant years. But she copes very well indeed.
At the school Binod introduced me to another child there who is an orphan. Both his parents have died of cancer. He is a very bright student and needs support. We have done our best for this boy and his sister. They are looked after by their elder sister who is 21. We hope to find a sponsor for this boy as it is difficult for us to keep him at the school. We will persist with our support and persuading the school of their support until we get some funding.
We got a bus from Kudi back to Besishahar. The bus was so full, incredibly so. As we went around the mountain bends it bent over, it was a bit scary at times. I was so squashed that when I had to get off, I had to pass my belongings to Binod out of the window, I nearly had to climb out of the window otherwise I would be stuck on the bus, but I was rescued and some of the passengers got off the bus to give me room. It was all quite a laugh. Now I never get frustrated with the inefficiency of such things here, as they are really just amusing. I will try to add some pictures later, it may be possible.
I have now been back here for over a week and time is passing. I just have under 2 months to go of my stay here. I am back teaching and enjoying my work here. At the same time I am working on Hi-Cap UK and in touch with my dear partner Richard. He is working on various parts of the charities administration and fundraising. I don’t know how I would cope without his support.
At the moment I am sitting at my door picking up a signal in the pouring down with rain. (It is OK I am under cover of course) It is a bit cold though and my nose is running. We had a thunderstorm last night, I awoke this morning with no electricity or water, but bliss both are back, don’t hold your breath though. As soon as these facilities come back I spend the first 10 minutes, filling up buckets and bottles with water. Boiling my hot jug (electric kettle) and filling my large thermos with the hot water. I also put everything on charge, especially my rechargeable lantern.
Everything here is so very difficult, it takes time you have to be organised. But you soon get into the swing of things. I have been so lucky to keep in touch with everyone. The wi-fi connection although outside has been just amazing.
It is odd because I have not missed the TV very much at all, but I am looking forward to an intensive watch of Eastenders on my return to the UK. But there is a lot of time yet before that! So bye for now more stories to come.
see Rama below