Frustration of technology or lack of

Dear All

I am now connected to Wi-Fi don’t get excited.  But at least I do not have to suffer the dark cyber and the space bar that get stuck.  I am hoping that this will give me some connectivity.  I am sitting by the door with it open to get a signal.  Well I am here and it is wonderful at this particular moment in time.  We have water! we also have electricity, what absolute bliss.  The evening is getting cold and I am not sure how long I will be able to sit here in my coat, but I do have a beer to drink to keep me cheery. 

Tomorrow is Tamang festival so we all have a day off!  There are many days off in Nepal as there is a festival for every caste, of which there are many !  I am enjoying the teaching but it is very hard.  The type of conditions are difficult and there is not any entertainment in the teaching schedule as there is in the UK.  But I try very hard to make my lessons as entertaining as possible by acting out scenarios, the children really enjoy my stupid behaviour.  But it is great fun, I teach for 7 40 minute periods most of the time.  Lesson planning is not existent here but following the government curriculum is difficult, some of the stuff is just ridiculously non informative, and off the prospectus of teaching the English language.

I normally eat breafast and lunch in my room, but I eat Nepali style in the evenings.  The food is not great and one wonders when the residential children actually get some protein.  Rice rice and veg curry, and a bit of dahl and I mean a little dahl.  Meat is eaten just once a week.

The children are charming and I love the work.  This weekend I am going up to two of the villages that we support to see our familes.  After trekking up and down everyday, I am hoping that I am pretty fit to do the trek. 

I love receiving your messages so please continue, it really cheers me up.  Life if not easy and very lonely I am amazed that I seem to find so much to do, but somehow the days fly by.  It is only 3 weeks on Wednesday, so there is plenty of time for me to get despondent.

Look forward to hearing from you, I am now going to make an attempt at up loading some pictures here I go.  The last attemp only showed half the picture, I hope to get a bit more this time.

Actually trying to upload will try again out on the balcony tomorrow,  tonight I am going to publish this before I freeze.  Love to all .

All the best




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