Hi Everyone
Well I think I have done everything down to the ironing! I actually don’t fly until 9.50pm tonight, but getting to the airport could take some time and I need to check in 3 hours before. Hate leaving that stuff till the last minute and I have so much to take, it will take ages just to get to the check-in! With 2 cameras around my neck and a laptop and a cabin bag plus my big 30K case!
Now it is not clothes that I have filled my bags up with, in fact I have few ordinary clothes, I have mostly thermals. But I am also carrying another camera and laptop in my in my main case. I have my books and numerous useful things like a wind up head torch, knife fork and spoon, to save me eating with my fingers, never really mastered that too well. Phrase books and maps so much very usfull stuff!
Richard my boyfriend or partner whatever, is taking me to the airport and it will be sad leaving him for 3 months (it is actually 87 days) and I am sure a few tears will leave my eyes. I am though very excited about the work that I will be doing teaching and the work that we will be doing in the remote villages. I hope that we will be able to build the house for Raman that we have been fundraising for, for almost 2 years! We have the land and now just need to build the house.
I will leave you today with a thought about how comfortable our western lives are. Richard today mentioned a programme that is coming back to the TV called “one born every minute” and it inspired me to remember meeting a women in Old Jagot in the Lamjung area, who just hours before had given birth. I saw the baby wrapped warmly in a basket. I asked where her husband was and she told me he had gone to buy a chicken at the market so that they could kill it and cook it, thus it being nutrious for the mothers milk. This family lived on the edge of a mountain where temperatures drop to below freezing regularly, where mothers go back to work in the fields hours after they have delivered a child. I am not saying this is right, but, I can say why do we make films about stuff that is an everyday occurance that happens in a controlled environment in Western Society. Sadly we do! The baby born in the mountains below born in a personal loving environment.

May be a day or so before my next blog as off now and excited!