Hi everyone
I am coping pretty well here. Doing my washing in a bucket using Nepali soap powder is not goo on my hands, and I cannot find a pair of rubber gloves anywhere. It is odd really the the things we think are every day things like milk is just so difficult to get hold of. I am getting used to my diet of rice rice and rice.
I am now into the full swing of teaching and enjoying it very much. The teachers here are just so wonderful and allow me to help them there is no animosity about me being there. We have some gap year students here also, they help with the younger children. They came from an agency and do not live at the school so I am on my own with Nepalis’s that speak a sort of broken English or none, so the worst bit is expressing oneself. Please excuse this again I can hardly see the key board.
The children are so very well behaved, we have no rudeness they smile and laugh through my lessons.
I do miss home as bit as Iam on my own here. I do miss my partner and my family but it has not been long and I am still getting my room organised. Everyone here is so kind to me I feel very at home. I am going to attempt to put some pictures on for you so here goes. If it does not happen I will publish this, I am at a cyber cafe and I am not sure if the upload will work.
All my love to everyone and keep the messages coming don’t forget me.