First Part of My Journey New Delhi to Kathmandu Nepal.

My luggage

My luggage

First Part of My Journey from New Delhi to Kathmandu Nepal.

This was quite an experience, some could call it fun.  My taxi arrived not sure where I was going , he thought the Airport, “no, no” (which is ney), I said the main station.  Eventually he understood thank goodness. Being white and western why would I use the train? 

I got there to be invaded by porters, which I used, my luggage was heavy half of it being for the Art competition prizes. The luggage had to be carried a long way to my platform well worth the tip for these 2 boys.  I could see my cases getting bashed and dusty through security then being carried to my platform, I was so glad that I was carrying my laptop on my backWaiting for the train

Finally the train arrived and I had to fight my way through the locals to my carriage, I was travelling 2nd class.

I found my sleeper I was on the bottom bunk, there were 4 of us in our carriage, and yes I slept with 2 Nepali’s and one Indian.  But, it really was a great experience and they were all so nice. I happened to be the only white person on this train.  I gave out my business cards and they were so impressed with the work that I do in Nepal.  I opened my clean packed sheets with my little white towel it was all so sweet.  There was even a western toilet out of the four at the end of the carriage. Chi was brought round at 10 rupees, with a digestive biscuit. 


We then all made up our beds and settled for the night.  I thought I would not sleep, but I did it was a Great experience.  I awoke to see  India in its sunshine of glory.

I arrived at Gorakhpur safe and sound but about 4 hours journey still to the boarder.  The rest of the journey is another story. 

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