Why am I here, it’s a hard life in Nepal

Simple Changes can make a  Difference

I have encountered so much as usual during my visit here in Nepal.  Nothing changes, the logic here is frustrating and beyond my understanding a lot of the time, so why do I continue to work here and why am I struggling to educate their children, and give them opportunities that they deserve.

Because I believe it has to change through Education of the younger generation. They need to learn to ask questions, not be part of the corruption, old wives tales, the doctors who charge huge fees rather then tell people the best way to cure simple illnesses. The learning of cleanliness, the reduction of spitting in the streets, to prevent the spread of illnesses.  The other day I saw a well educated women (I made an assumption by her appearance) throw rubbish in the street. These are the things must be changed.

But this all is not possible, is it? unless people learn this stuff, where do they learn it from their teachers?  I have seen their curriculum and it never teaches the depth of real life how to live with others.  It is repetitive learning, badly written and it ignores the human mind.  I hope that Hicap can help to open minds and really make a difference in this country. I also hope that children like this little girl will one day will not be standing with “her” children queuing for water for hours  that is not even drinkable without boiling.

Help us to make a real difference, we need your help. Just £10 a month can actually help with a child’s education. By sponsorship you can really help a child by your interaction and teaching. Every child has a right to an education help us to exercise that right.


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