Following on from the last blog I was very ill for several days. I don’t know whether it was exhaustion or something I had picked up, but I was truly ill and ended up after several days taking anti-biotics. Eventually I got myself back together.
Whilst I was ill, my project Manager Binod was able to make the final visit to a village. This family was one that I mentioned in an earlier blog. The father is in prison after beating his wife to death. There are 3 children living with the grandmother. We needed to visit the home of the family to ascertain the circumstances first hand. Binod did this successfully. All three of these children will be supported with their schooling by us. The village that they live in is very beautiful Binod took some good pictures during his visit.
These children have a reasonable home, but there is little inside of it. There is no money the grandmother has a little land where so grows fresh vegetables, just enough for the family. They are very worried about the children’s lives. Hi-Cap will help them all they can.
This village is beautiful Gaunsahar. All our villages are beautiful but more remote than this. This is not an area that we normally would support, but because of the situation of this family we decided to help. We will not work with other families in this area this is a special case. They have little food to eat surrouinding families have been trying to help them.

Binod went home to Kathmandu on 28th February, I stayed at the flat to get myself together for the homeward stretch. By Saturday I felt a little better and decided to risk the journey to Kathmandu on the Sunday. I pushed myself to clean the flat so that it could be ready if volunteers were to use it, and also for it to be ready for Binods next field visit.

I went on my way early that morning after a bit of confusion with the driver on the bus. The journey was not too bad, I had company as one of the local teachers that I knew was travelling at the same time. I arrived in Kathmandu which was utter mayhem as usual. Prem my normal taxi driver arrived with Binod, eventually at this time in Kathmandu the petrol situation was awful, so he had had to queue for ages also the traffic situation was awful.
I got to a guest house (very basic) which did have a good internet connection. The walls were peeling and the sound of pigeons was really horrible. The window one side of my room was completely covered with pigeon droppings. I decided not to open the curtain that side. Well it was only for a few days and then I would be home.
Today 7th March I leave Nepal for home on the 11.45pm flight to Doha, I catch my Doha flight at 6.25 am. So I am on my way. I am sitting here thinking about my trip and the highs and lows. Obviously the lows were when I was ill, and that awful truck journey. But the highs far outweigh my lows. So I thought that I would just end by showing the faces of the people and children that make my work so wonderful and so fulfilling.
As you probably will all realise I am home now and just getting myself back to normal. If you really want to get something out of life join me at Hi-Cap UK and work towards a better future for the children and the familes in the Lamjung District of the Himalaya’s. To donate go to our website there as so many ways to make a difference make a difference today and put some more smiles on faces!