Hicap UK have been working hard to reinstate some order in the remote villages of the Lamjung District of Nepal , it has not been easy but we are really getting somewhere.
What have we managed to achieve so far:
The commencement of the rebuilding of our house that was completely demolished by the second Quake. This was difficult for us as this housed a family of four and Sanjay a child that we have sponsored and looked after since the age of 3 years, plus his grandfather. They all had to be housed in temporary accommodation. Where they still their rebuilt home is complete, which I am assured will be within the next 2 weeks despite the dreadful conditions of the monsoon. In addition we will be housing our Twin orphans here. The house has been built in stronger materials with concrete posts. This will ensure sustainability.
We have provided 37 families with Mosquito nets these are is vital during monsoon time.
We have provided the materials for 18 Temporary homes
Onward and upward Hicap UK, never giving up and making things happen today and everyday.
Freda Casagrande